7 health tips for 2022

 Make your plan ahead of time

I love the schedule saver idea from Sylvie, but I think you can have too much planning.

It’s way too easy to end up sleeping in a day, missing meetings, and quickly go through your phone until you realize you have several plans. Instead, plan how to spend a day and see what all happens organically. If you leave anything out, it just looks like you’re not planning.

My favorite morning will be packed with the make up I have on already that I call my “lazy make up look” — not my “A More Personal Look.” Then I’ll walk downstairs and head straight for the fruit smoothie I make in the morning.

Don’t get me wrong, I love time management (and trying to explain that fact to a mostly women’s gym member), but I’ve now decided I want to spend less time figuring out what I do and more time just getting things done. It isn’t everyone’s plan, but I think making your plan ahead of time gives you more opportunity to stay on track — which means you’ll feel happier about your life in the long run.

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