30 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Before you can take care of your new baby, you need to take care of yourself and your unborn child. There’s a lot of advice out there. Much of it is common sense, but some things – like avoiding cat litter – might be news. Your first tip: As soon as you suspect you’re pregnant, see your doctor

  1. Take a prenatal vitamin
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Write a birth plan
  4. Educate yourself
  5. Change your chores (avoid harsh or toxic cleaners, heavy lifting)
  6. Track your weight gain (normal weight gain is 25-35 pounds)
  7. Get comfortable shoes
  8. Eat folate-rich foods (lentils, asparagus, oranges, fortified cereals)
  9. Eat calcium-rich foods (dairy, canned fish, soy)
  10. Eat more fish (except those
  11. Eat foods with fiber
  12. Don’t eat soft cheeses (unpasteurized styles like Brie and feta may contain bacteria that can cause fever, miscarriage or pregnancy complications)
  13. Eat your veggies
  14. Eat five or six well-balanced meals each day
  15. But don’t overeat. You only need 300-500 additional calories per day. Keep a food diary.
  16. Limit caffeine
  17. Drink plenty of fluids (six 8-ounce glasses of water per day)
  18. Don’t drink alcohol
  19. Wear sunscreen
  20. Fly smart (avoid air travel if possible early and late in pregnancy)
  21. Avoid changing cat litter (to reduce risk of toxoplasmosis)
  22. Give in to cravings – sometimes
  23. Know when to call your doctor with concerns
  24. Don’t smoke; avoid secondhand smoke
  25. Get enough sleep
  26. Wear your seatbelt
  27. Don’t take over-the-counter medications or herbal remedies without medical consultation
  28. See your dentist
  29. Take a pregnancy class
  30. Baby sit a friend’s baby for some real-world experience

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