Does diabetes affect your feet? Perfect Guide

Diabetes is one of the most common and serious diseases that affect people around the world. In the United States, diabetes prevalence rate is estimated to be 26% — more than three million adults are diagnosed with it. According to Healthline, diabetes affects approximately 1.3 million children (8% to 11%) in the country. The number of diabetics who require insulin treatment is higher than 45 million. Among these patients, diabetes-related foot complications are the third-leading cause of hospitalizations and the second leading reason for foot ulcers. It also leads to significant damage to the bones. As a result, diabetic foot pain is among the most frequent and painful foot problems seen in patients. If you have been diagnosed with this serious illness, and your feet already display symptoms of diabetes, you should definitely get your hands on a professional foot care expert. Such an individual usually takes the necessary precautions to prevent the occurrence of disease’s consequences.


The causes of diabetes are unclear but are likely caused by factors such as genetics, diet and exercise. However, according to some experts, diabetes also can be acquired from other illnesses such as heart disease, pancreatic illnesses, kidney disease, and thyroid disorders. Generally speaking, diabetes is considered to be due to high blood glucose levels. Although patients always have elevated sugar levels, they can still work the body through some home remedies or medications to lower certain types of blood sugar. However, there are no surefire ways to control diabetes blood sugars at home because patients cannot predict how quickly their blood sugar levels might fluctuate. Therefore, taking medication or consuming healthy food items is often recommended. These measures are essential for preventing diabetes. However, there is a great risk of not getting enough diabetic foods and beverages during diabetic times. Therefore, it is important to take advantage of natural sources of food during this time to manage blood sugar levels. A lot of diabetic nutritionists believe it can help to keep diabetes under control, so let us discuss some facts about them.

Dietary Insiders

There are some dietary insiders in our society who have studied dieting and diabetes for many years. The first person is Dr Tony Foklis, former president and founder of the Diabetes Association of America (DAFA). While he has extensive knowledge and expertise concerning the topic, he does not claim that fasting diets alone are effective in managing blood sugar levels. He says that while fasting seems to make blood sugar levels in the body decrease dramatically, dieting is just another way to encourage a patient to eat healthier foods. For example, if we look at diabetes patients’ eating habits, they generally do not eat whole grains and grains and drink plenty of water. Eating vegetables and fruits is becoming increasingly popular among them. All foods and drinks are given equal importance. Another dietary insider, Dr Christopher O’Connor, former professor of nutritional epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, has worked with diabetes patients for over 20 years. Since the mid 1990s, his research has proven the efficacy of low carbohydrate and lower saturated fats diets, which are used frequently nowadays in diabetic nutrition therapy and treatment.

Weight Loss Surgery Specialist

Another dietary expert who specializes in diabetes treatment is Dr Robert Sibley, DO, of the Foot Locker Clinic. His services include general and surgical services and clinical advice. Unlike other medical professionals concerned with weight loss, he focuses on keeping type two diabetes patients active both physically and mentally. With a deep understanding of diabetes from personal experience, he assures patients they will feel better, energetic and confident about losing weight. Besides weight drop surgery, he offers full foot rest. Some of his treatments are focused on relieving fatigue, improving breath quality and reducing stress. Additionally, he offers preventive exercises and shoe care therapy. In addition, Dr Sibley recommends proper diabetic footwear so that patients will not suffer from foot discomfort from wearing shoes without suitable insoles. This approach will provide relief for all diabetic feet. Apart from diabetes treatment that uses drugs, foot health specialists recommend physical exercises, daily walking and diabetic diet plan, to name some. There are various books and podcasts available that educate people about diabetes prevention.

Other Natural Remedies

For individuals who want to know more about diabetes nutrition and diet, this article will be able to help them. Below, I will be discussing four primary approaches to boosting diabetes nutrition: vegetarian diet, probiotics, intermittent fasting, yoga, and plant-based nutrition. They are perfect approaches to reduce blood sugar levels. Vegetarian Diet

We all know the vegan nutrition concept, right? We always associate vegans with unhealthy food. The main idea behind plant nutrition is that plants contain nutrients that we cannot get from animals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins, etc. However, we are talking about nutrients that are beneficial for human beings. One of vegan nutrition’s unique benefits is a huge array of nutrient-dense foods.


Protein is the building block of proteins. Any animal protein also contains fats, cholesterol and other harmful chemicals. Most of us are unable to eat the protein rich foods, mainly as this is very difficult for us. Plant based nutrition is an alternative to consume protein-rich foods. Even dairy proteins are made up of amino acids and plant oils. So what does plant protein look like? The answer is quite simple: it consists of lots of soluble nutrients and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Soluble nutrients are found in plant based nutrients (especially soy and oily beans), whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in animal protein (especially meat). When you eat plant-based nutrition, you receive a diverse mix of all these both soluble and insoluble nutrients. You are also free from harmful toxins, cholesterol and cholesterol analogues, saturated fat acids and cholesterol-cholesterol products. By using plant based nutrition, you are also increasing your fiber intake, which helps you to maintain a healthy digestive system. Probiotic Therapy

Probiotic medicine can be used by anyone in the world. Probiotic supplements take into account microbes in the gut, intestines and gastrointestinal tract. To begin with, probiotics are microorganisms that provide support for health. Microbial health boosts immune response and reduces inflammation from intestinal issues such as obesity and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Researchers have observed positive results of probiotics on treating celiac disease, depression and anxiety. Their use also helps fight against cancer and other serious diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Moreover, probiotics also play an essential role in stimulating hair growth, regulating appetite and decreasing blood sugar. Aside from that, probiotics also improve energy levels, help lose unwanted body fat and increase overall well-being. Yoga

Yoga poses are commonly practiced globally, especially by those in Asian countries. This form of practice has been proven to offer numerous health benefits. Excess oil, oxygen and heat exchange, muscular strength, joint mobility and mental relaxation have been reported as just a few of its effects. More importantly, yoga has also been shown to boost immunity, lower stress hormone levels and improve bone health. Many people are now embracing yoga to help lower blood sugar levels. Studies on yoga and diabetic nutrition have shown that patients experienced reduction in blood sugar levels. In particular, it helps in lowering the risks of developing diabetes.

Quit Smoking

Although smoking does not directly cause diabetes, cigarette smokers have a greater risk of being affected by this severe complication of the disease than non-smokers. Moreover, tobacco can affect diabetes by causing chronic lung disease and cardiovascular disease. In fact, smoking does not only contribute to lung diseases, but it also reduces bone density which increases the likelihood of disease occurrence. Quitting smoking and maintaining a regular hand-to-foot movement are among the best methods to reduce diabetes risks. Of course, quitting smoking is easier said than done. Noticing that tobacco smoke contains nicotine, this ingredient is also responsible in contributing to reduced blood sugar levels. Lastly, smoking can lead to nausea, headaches, dizziness, rashes and decreased bone density. Fortunately, quitting smoking can also bring back some sense of normalcy to lifestyle. Yoga Practice

Similar to quitting smoking, changing our posture and practicing yoga can be helpful for diabetic patients. Studies on aging and diabetes patients have shown that they are less prone to fall. On top of that, they get to enjoy life more than before. Both yoga and meditation programs can help people avoid diabetes-related complications and promote diabetes management as described above. These wellness approaches even promote diabetes remission. In addition, yoga can also help in addressing mental and emotional aspects of living with diabetes. Meditation and yoga can show improvement in mood, sleep patterns, anxiety and depression. Lastly, it has also been linked to better glucose regulation. Thus, one could suggest acupuncture sessions as possible options of diabetes treatment. Exercise

Exercise can also be another strategy to manage diabetes. Physical activity increases blood sugar levels, it decreases obesity levels and prevents diabetes onset. Regular exercising can enhance blood flow, muscles, reduce stress hormones, and increase energy levels. Experts are optimistic that exercise can offer diabetes treatment. Though it is still challenging and expensive at present, it is a proven method. Especially those with diabetes, vigorous cardio-vascular exercises have proved to reverse some of the symptoms associated with diabetes. It is critical to remember that any exercise does not always have direct connection with decreasing blood sugar levels. However, doctors say that taking moderate exercise for a short period will have great impact. Healthy exercise alone cannot completely change our lives and diet. Other natural approaches can also be incorporated into such programs such as eating keto and following a gluten-free eating plan. Lastly, diet and foot health specialists recommend incorporating different foods, like berries. Research shows that a diet rich in fruit and vegetable can help patients manage diabetes. Overall, diet therapy can be used to combat diabetes symptoms. People who have diabetes should consult a diabetes nutritionist.


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